Symphonic and Concert Bands
Great job at the Ensemble Recital and at Solo and Ensemble! We brought home over 115 first division medals!!!
The students did a great job representing Baines and have grown a lot as musicians through this process!
Here's what's coming up:
*March 19: Contest Preparation Concert; Baines MS Performance Commons, 6:30pm
*March 27: Pre-UIL Invitational Contest; Travis HS, 4:20pm on stage, call time TBD
*April 17 or 18: UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest! Travis HS, time TBD
May 2: Fiesta Texas Spring Trip!!!
May 20: Spring Concert; Baines MS Performance Commons, 6:30pm
*Symphonic Band only
Click here for the full 2014-2015 calendar.
The students did a great job representing Baines and have grown a lot as musicians through this process!
Here's what's coming up:
*March 19: Contest Preparation Concert; Baines MS Performance Commons, 6:30pm
*March 27: Pre-UIL Invitational Contest; Travis HS, 4:20pm on stage, call time TBD
*April 17 or 18: UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest! Travis HS, time TBD
May 2: Fiesta Texas Spring Trip!!!
May 20: Spring Concert; Baines MS Performance Commons, 6:30pm
*Symphonic Band only
Click here for the full 2014-2015 calendar.